C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Kings to marry Tomlinscote - dowry is 12 Million pounds!

Update: Mr Ryles said that he had been incorrectly quoted and that he had said that the WHOLE site was worth £12 million apparently we are probably looking at more like 1/5 or 1/6 of that.  When he said that there was a chorus of dissent from the audience who claimed they couldn't have all miss heard.  His other the swimming pool is an interesting one, we went there 6-7 years ago regularly and it was very old then - I hear tell its actually leased to Farnborough Fins.

So finally we get to the crux of it - some of the Kings site will be sold off for 12 million pounds.  The Kings people present at the meeting must have been just thrilled to hear that their school is not economically viable in the future but Tomlinscote will take it over and pocket £12M.  Wonder why that was not mentioned at the Kings meeting?

Please both T and K parents send me your views on this evenings meetings - If you can write a meeting blog post send it to me.  I'm too tired / angry to write anything coherent at this point.

THEY think it is a done deal that is for sure - BUT please guys don't give up.

I had several parents feel this was so sewn up and SO WRONG that they wanted to contribute to a legal fighting fund.  We need to get organised have a meeting and elect a committee to deal with this - and soon.



  1. I thought there was a law against selling off school playing fields?

  2. dont you only get the assets if you are a Academy (which tomlinscote isnt).

  3. It's not the playing field that is being thought of, it's the field behind the school that has been unused ( it's fenced off) for years. It's used by dog walkers and local residents to cut through from Frimley road. At least that's what the N Smith said to me today.

  4. tomlincote.kings...this is no way a done deal :). We've only just begun a long struggle. It ' ll be uphill all the way we'll get there!

  5. The land asset is SCC's not King's. SCC did not transfer the asset to Kings as planned during the setup of the college.

    It is clear when Kings was returned to SCC community school status last year and the 6+ year old debt was written off, that the land might be used to recoup that money.

    I understand that the debt from the very early days of Kings was stabilised and did not increase, but it was probably a recurring irritant in the finance minutes at SCC. So it is not a surprise that selling the land of this educational site is being discussed.

  6. As I understand if T were an academy it would own the assets, but it isn't and therefore you are right it belongs to SCC. If we are right it makes mentioning it look a bit of a strange thing to do.

    Either way it stuck in my craw that we as T parents were supposed to be impressed by £12m - do you know I'm more worried about the kids education.
