C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Travel Chaos?

Although Surrey County Council has not published full details yet... it seems poorly thought through and our understanding is that Years 7/8/9 will be based at the Kings campus and Years 10/11/12/13 being based at the Tominscote campus. The schools are 1.75 miles apart from each other.

We would be interested in your views as our understanding is that economic growth and CO2 emissions are two of the key transport policies of the Government.

We haven't looked at the impact of the year groups being sent to different campuses but our initial view is:
1. Parents with children having to travel to both sites will end up with issues in terms of dropping off children and this may affect work commitments and therefore effect economic growth;

2. The road network is severely congested at peak times between both Schools, any additional car traffic will significantly increase CO2 emissions and therefore work against the Government targets;

3. Children will have to travel further to get to school - again against sustainable transport policy;

4. Increased road safety risk;

5. Business along this corridor e.g. Siemens, the businesses along Frimley Road and Frimley Park Hospital are already significantly affected by traffic congestion. An additional 200-300 cars travelling each way between both schools will significantly add to delay;

6. Surrey County Council has no significant transport funds to improve accessibility by non car modes;

7. Our understanding is that the M3 Motorway corridor is in an air quality problem area - more children and cars walking under the M3 will add to the health issues.

In addition to this, many parents have younger children in local Primary Schools close to their local Secondary School. With the changes to the year groups this is going to create significant travel/safety issues.


  1. There is another factor you have missed here but still along the lines of traffic.

    In Deepcut, the MOD intend to sell of the land for redevelopment. Initial plans are for 1200 - 1700 additional houses. A significant proportion of those new properties will have school age children.

    Currently we have an e-petition at: http://petitions.surreyheath.gov.uk/TrafficStudy/

    We want SHBC to commission an independant traffic study of the local roads which we would like to include the roads around Tomlinscote and Kings.

    On the face of it the merger does not look like such a hot idea. It will certainly prove unpopular with many local residents.

    Best wishes

    Paul Deach
    Follow me on twitter @DeepcutVillage

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Paul,

    We would we very interested if we can work together as the issues appear to be mutual and the Deepcut redevelopment appears to be where the additional secondary school pupils will come from in the future. Our understanding is that there will not be a secondary school on the Deepcut redevelopment site so even more parents in the future will be travelling to Kings/Tomlinscote/Collingwood. All of these journeys will ultimately impact on traffic congestion/local rat-runs e.g St Catherines Road other estates?
    Regards Editor.

  4. We are faced with our Government trying very hard to introduce a CARBON TAX ...
    Hitler said, “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think
    How Well Has The Media And Government Informed The Public About CO2 Levels In The Air?
    please seehttp://preventdisease.com/news/11/012411_inform_public_co2.shtml

  5. @Tomlinscote Kings

    Please do get in touch with me. I want to help in anyway I can.

    Paul Deach

  6. There is also all the family housing that is going up in Bagshot, 50% is for social housing which means families with young children (higher up the priorty list then single couples, they will be going to Collingwood or to T, so how are they going to get to the K site without a car??
