C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Contact Details

If you would like to voice your concern regarding these proposals then we would suggest that you contact the following people who may be involved in the decision process and are in authority. Please keep your comments objective:

Michael Gove MP (Surrey Heath MP and Minister for Education): michael.gove.mp@parliament.uk See a sample reply.

Dr Andrew Povey (Leader of Surrey County Council who are the Education Authority making the decision on changes with regard to Kings International School which is under Special Measures): andrew.povey@surreycc.gov.uk

Camberley News and Mail: sarichards@surreyad.co.uk; mike.wright@aldershot.co.uk; laura.nightingale@sabmedia.co.uk

Chairman of Tomlinscote School Governing Body (They will make the ultimate decision if Tomlinscote is to merge with Kings and the changes are implemented): Either write to: Colonel Keith Steel - c/o Tomlinscote School, Tomlinscote Way, Frimley, Camberley, GU16 8PY. or e-mail: office@tomlinscote.surrey.sch.uk for the attention of Colonel Keith Steel.

Tomlinscote Office : 01276 709050

Surrey County Council members dealing with this case. Nick Smith (Direct Line 0208 541 8902) he can also be reached via the (group PA 0208 541 9907) this also is the number for Peter John Wilkinson 
peterjohn.wilkinson@surreycc.gov.uk author of the original letter.

You can find out who your borough councillors are here:


I would suggest you contact your county councillors too. Details here:


Politics Conservatives Lib-Dems UKIP

Tomlinscote website and Kings International website

Petition can be filled out

If you have any updates please email tomlinscote.kings@gmail.com and we will update it.

List of Tomlinscote Governors

If you want to send a letter to any / all of the governors the way to do it is to send an email office@tomlinscote.surrey.sch.uk
marked FAO  Mrs Jorgenson and  All  Governors (or  particular governor’s name) attaching your letter and asking Mrs Jorgenson to distribute it to all the governors.

Mr John Collingridge       Local Authority representative       

Mr Kevin Burgess           Local Authority representative       

Lt Col Pat Hassell           Partnership representative             
(Vice Chairman)

Col Keith Steel               Partnership representative             

Mr Bob Paton                 Partnership representative             

Mr Phil Case                  Partnership representative             

Mr Ray Coyne                Community representative            

Miss Eila Rochfort           Community representative            

Mrs Diane Carroll            Community Representative          

Mrs Rachel Catt              Parent Representative                  

Dr Keith Foster               Parent representative                    

Mr Nigel Hall                 Parent representative                    

Mr Andrew Johnson         Parent representative                    

Mr. J Langhorn               Parent representative                    

Mr Peter Wharrad            Parent representative                    

Mrs S Wright                 Parent representative                    

Mr Tony Ryles               Principal representative                

Mr. David French                        Teacher representative                  

Miss Helene Livesey        Teacher representative                  

Mr Ian Jarrett                  Non Teaching representative         
Mr. Brian Telfer              Associate Member                       )

Mrs Zoe Johnson-Walker  Associate Member                      

Mrs H Jorgensen             Clerk to the Governors                

                                                                                                List as at March 2011