C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Governors to meet with parents

Governors letter (to Kings) can be read here
and to Tomlinscote here.

there is a Frequently Asked Questions document from the Governors here.

Comments I'm getting have pointed out.

1) Kings parents get two 2 hour sessions - Tomlinscote ONE 2 hour session.
     (This is wrong see the update below with the dates for the two schools)
2) The timing of the announcement vis a vis half term combined with the deadline is likely to ensure the least response.
3) Primary school and other stakeholders are not invited.
    (I believe but don't know that the Governors are moving to rectify this)

There are two letters one for Kings and one for Tomlinscote. (Thanks for someone putting me right on this) the dates are different.  Other than the letters being personalised they are the same.


It is hard to comprehend how the behaviour of the Executive Headmaster, Chair of the Board of Governors at Tomlinscote and Surrey County Council can be seen as anything other than conforming to the bare legal minimum required to satisfy that they had performed a "consultation".  The three parties have not even bothered to put in enough effort to make it "look good" which frankly staggers me.  It almost feels like someone is thumbing their nose at us.  A lack of involvement would be bad enough, given the direction David Cameron and his party are headed with "The big society", but the vast majority of parents do not see the process as "lack of involvement".   Rightly or wrongly they view it as deliberate and cynical manipulation.   No argument that has been advanced so far for the merger has stood up to the mildest of questioning, and no satisfactory answers or justifications have been forthcoming.  The climate of mistrust, bred by the manner in which the "consultation" has been prosecuted, and aggravated by a vacuum of information has caused conspiracy theory to abound.  People are naturally looking around for logical explanations for the events that have unfolded and their (albeit speculative) conclusions are ugly.

This is a taint that cannot easily be shrugged off and dumped on the conveniently departing Executive Principal and the remote, aloof and shambolic "Acting Head of Schools and Learning".  Sadly the climate of mistrust is likely to damage the school(s) regardless of what happens for some time to come. Governors, SLT even the new head will all be under a cloud of suspicion that they were complicit in some sort of intrigue.  Many of the players almost certainly have not, or have been doing their level best in difficult circumstances, but are unable or unwilling to state their opinion and thus clear their names.  For us to have any sort of healing after this process (regardless of outcome) I think we need to know how this all happened.

It is difficult to reconcile what is going on here with a free open and honest democratic society - for me the atmosphere feels more like some of the regimes we as a democracy claim the moral high-ground against.  David Camerons ideas about "The big society" are dead and buried in the leafy conservative stronghold of Surrey Heath - the "safe seat" of his Education Secretary no less!  What hope his admirable ideals will take root if we cannot manage the already supposedly established concepts of "free speech" and "freedom of information" in David Camerons own back yard?  Here we have people unable to join a debate because they are scared for their jobs, working as they do for the school and or Surrey County Council.  Other people who have depressingly concluded it is a done deal.  Followed by the inability to get any meaningful discourse or information from public bodies.  At the moment my depressingly cynical feeling is that the "The Big Society" is not that "Big" at all, in fact it can probably gather around the bar in the local golf club!

Everyone is welcome to their opinion, I'd like to have seen a free fair and open debate on the issues surrounding the merger but the experience so far has been unimpressive.  For anyone who feels like me that we have not had a fair hearing I encourage you to contribute to CAMs legal fund.  For many of you the increased travel costs could add up to £1000's over the period your children are in school, maybe you will consider placing your children elsewhere.  Some have suggested moving out of the area altogether so scared are they by the potential damage to their childrens education. It HAS therefore to be worth at least a modest contribution to CAMs legal fund.

or by sending cheques made payable to 
"Campaign Against Merger" 
CAM, 22, Glenmount Road, Mytchett GU16 6AY

This is the letter to Kings parents.


  1. I,along with many staff, are surprised to see the decision to close Kings still has to be made..Kings staff and students at the very start of this were told that Kings would be closing and staff would be out of a job unless there was a position for them at Tomlinscote. Tomlinscote staff were also told that Kings would be closed 2012 but our jobs would be safe if the planned merger was to go ahead!!Maybe someone forgot to advise SCC the decision had already been made?

  2. The letter to Tomlinscote parents shows five two-hour slots available from Tuesday to Saturday. I guess that the letter you are displaying is for Kings, and the mention of school is merely the location of the meeting. So in fact Tomlinscote parents have a choice of five and Kings a choice of three (to reflect the sizes of the schools).

  3. the supposed consultation is nothing short of a scandal.

  4. It is obviously apparent there is a version of the letter for each school.

    The Tomlnscote one says "Please also state that you are a Tomlinscote parent..." and the Kings one says "Please also state that you are a Kings parent..."

    So there is NO "Freudian slip" - the letters simply state what is applicable to the audience they were sent to.

    To clarify the appointments, I think the following is true:

    Tomlinscote parents can apply for slots on Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri or Sat at Tomlinscote.

    Kings parent can apply for slots on Tue or Thu at Kings or Sat at Tomlinscote.

    Though I don't see why anyone could not apply for any slot if it is more convenient for them.

    Please update your post to make it clear.

  5. The letter inviting people to make appointments was sent out two days before half term, which gives people time to respond even if they are away for half term.

    If the appointments were made any later, to allow more time for reaponding, then doubtless you would have criticised the Governing Body for leaving things too late.

    There are five dates available to choose from, including one at the weekend - so I think that shows they are trying to accommodate as many people as possible.

  6. Thank you for putting me right. I have uploaded both letters and the FAQ from the governors. I am pleased that it does not contain a "Freudian slip" but is rather "personalised".

  7. Yr 6 feeder parents have not received notification of or invite to any meetings. As I am a Yr6 and Yr9 parent I can spread the word that these meetings are being offered but I am not sure if they are invited to the same sessions. Do you have any information on this ? Perhaps some of those posting the comments above might know and be willing to update.

  8. Just heard a rumour that the Governors are scrambling to sort something out for Yr 6 parents.

  9. Why have staff at Kings been informed that their school will close in 2012 and that they will be losing their jobs, whilst we are still in the 'consultation phase'? Surely such devastating news wouldn't have been delivered unless the decision had been made? Anyone??

  10. Seems like another question for the Governors - both sets as the Tomlinscote Governors can't say it's nothing to do with them. Are you sure this is an accurate sequence of events - I hadn't heard this but if it's true it must be bordering on illegal both for the staff and for the Consultation process ? Anyone ?? Trouble is there is no "anyone" to answer these types of questions until we eventually meet with the Governors. It's so unfair how worrying this is for all concerned.

  11. Barbara Lapthorn29 May 2011 at 14:42

    I think the problem is the teachers have been afraid to speak out and confirm these rumours as they have been given the impression that there will not be a job for them unless they tow the line.
    Certainly what I've heard from interested parties is that the staff at Kings have been told to look for other jobs and that any heads of departments who want to apply for a job in the new school will not be HOD's but will have to accept a demotion if there are any jobs available for them.
    Until we can find a way to overcome this apparent atmosphere of fear and bullying we are unlikely to get to the bottom of this. So a BIG thank you to the annonymous poster who posted at 9.41.

  12. We were also told at Tomlinscote that Kings staff would be losing their jobs!! Done deal already is SCREAMING out! We've finally been given the opportunity to speak to govs in meetings. 130 emails seems to be very little, so PLEASE for the sake of the staff that dont want this merger (everyone that I have spoken to inc support staff) PLEASE email in your concerns!! PLEASE for the sake of the Kings staff. PLEASE for the sake of your children.

  13. As a member of Tomlinscote staff I'm under no illusion, rightly or wrongly, that if I speak out against the split-site scenario, then my position would be in jeopardy. Having been given no facts on how it would work, i.e. whether staff would be permanently based in Frimley or Camberley or be required to travel between with all the implications of traffic, timetables, own classrooms etc, but thereby maintaining a continuous relationship throughout the student's senior education, many staff feel as short-changed as parents. As far as I'm aware staff at Kings were definitely told their school would be closing in 2012 and that they would lose their jobs. Does beg the question; is the consultation a charade?

  14. I'm sure I'm not the only parent who wants to thank the brave teaching staff who have now finally spoken and confirmed unfortunately our worst fears. Maybe now it does seem to be out in the open that this 'consultation period' is a complete and total charade, steps maybe taken and the people concerned brought to task. At least all the teaching staff know that we the parents, of both schools, are fighting for the teachers and and their jobs as well as our children's education.

  15. On this basis surely an injunction can be obtained to stop the merger process (temporarily at least) on the basis that instructions have been given to Kings staff to seek alternative employment due to the school closing in 2012. The Governors must have been aware of these instructions!!! Can the CAM legal team seek an injunction in light of teachers comments.

  16. This is one of the items that will be presented to the lawyers along with an ever growing list of hard and circumstantial evidence. The lawyers are experts in this field, I am not so I'd be hard pressed to say what their advice would be. One thing that is sure is that that advice will not be free and we need to raise funds to pay for it!
    It should also be pointed out at this stage that while it is 17 days until the end of the consultation and the Governors vote (shortly afterward?) that may not signal the end of this fiasco. I for one will not be giving up even IF the governors do vote for the merger. In fact it will double my resolve and deepen my feeling that the events that are unfolding are not "free and fair" if the governors manage to ignore the wishes of 1000 families CAM have signed up that THEY are supposed to represent. The explanation of why 1000 families views have been over-ridden had better be pretty good.
    There will be 6 weeks to challenge any decision.

    Its NOT over. It is NOT a done deal.

  17. Thanks to all in CAM for fighting the good fight for us to the end and beyond! Think we are all looking forward to explanations of how P45's were almost being prepared before the ink was even dry from the supposed 'minutes' from the 1st ever pre-proposal meeting back in March! This has to be so against the correct legal process that should have been adheared to by law! Knowing this will surely get more parents to now donate towards this more than worthy cause!

  18. I'd be very interested to know why the minutes of the governors meeting for that time are "sealed". IF there IS anything that is dodgy her I have every faith that it will come out.

  19. Each piece of information that comes to light just makes me more depressed - it does seem we are fighting a losing battle. Having said that I am prepared to stand up and fight anyway. It seems so unfair the way SCC are handling this. How can they come up with such a proposal without finding out anything about how the schools operate which it is clear to me they have not done. We have bragged to family and freinds about how fortunate we are to have such a good school in our vicinity and if this goes ahead I will be ashamed to be part of it.

  20. PJ stated at the public meeting that there would be the same number of students (2015) as are at Tomlinscote and Collingwood now, so Kings was not going to be a viable proposition.However these numbers have dipped before. Both Tomlinscote and Collingwood will be running to capacity and extra places will be needed eventually.However, surely it is far more sensible to preserve, and support, Kings as a smaller school and therefore have places for when demand goes up, as it surely will? How can running a split site school be cost effective? Has anyone done the figures?Two sets of bills,expenses,maintenance,electricity, security etc etc etc...Sorry, I am no mathmatician but surely the only sensible answer is to keep Kings open and support it instead of throwing more money at a venture no-one wants, or supports!

  21. Apologies to MATHEMATICIANS everywhere for the above typo... I knew how to spell it really!
