C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Examples of Parental comments to governors

Some people have written some excellent letters to the governors that do a very professional job of picking to pieces every aspect of the potential merger.  Other parents have written heartfelt pleas to avoid what they see as the various disastrous aspects a merger would bring.

But other parents have said while they want to write something thy don't know where to begin.  Here as an aid is what other parents have said about the merger.  These are their words but only snippets which do not do the original letters justice - they do however give a good taster of how people feel.




Write that letter - it does not have to be a work of art it has to say what you feel.


  1. We are all terribly upset tonight- I have always tried to be fair about the process, but as a staff member who has just sat through a debacle tonight, I feel I have to comment.PJ did not listen..I will repeat. split sites DO NOT WORK.Tomlinscote and Kings staff are devastated..The new management structure at Kings is working.....The staff tonight put forward coherent,well thought out and fair comments-SCC-Please listen... TOMLINSCOTE and KINGS are great schools-You are about to sign their death warrants!!!

  2. Outrageous and very frustrating!!! PJ's figures are repeatedly pulled to pieces but he doesn't seem to care. Ryles and SCC can't listen to such negative feedback from parents AND staff and still go blindly forward???? There must be an alternative solution?

  3. There is an alternative solution - Kings will hopefully become an academy.

  4. PJ is a walking disaster area. He constantly contradicted himself at last night's meeting and had NO case to put forward. Despite 'listening' to three hours of staff feedback he refused to consider changing his position. Tomlinscote staff were united in their opposition to the merger and in the support of their Kings colleagues. We should feel proud and SCC should feel ashamed - this is a debacle.

  5. as a student i do not believe that this is right. to merge 2 compely different schools and exspect them to fit in perfectly together just like that. you need time and thought for a suitable solution. springing this upon us when new yr 7 students are due to arrive doesn't appeal to anyone. please listen to what i as a student at tomlinscote has said, AND STOP THIS MERGER!!!
    tomlinscote student

  6. Joanne Sanderson17 June 2011 at 10:36

    If this decision is going to go ahead ......

    Please can the governers confirm that the vote will not be a tight split as before

    - and that we can be reassured the vote will be at least 85% - 90% of the governers are in favour of the merger/take over

    So then at least we can have faith in the vote !!
