C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

CAM on BBC South News - Mon 20th June


  1. Well done to all! Very surprised to see on the tv. Very well put across.

  2. Well done to the parents in fighting this and lets hope that the council does the "right" thing.

  3. PJ said in this interview that the proposal is a 'Variant' on the idea of a Strong School helping a weak School. According to Department of Education's own reports, the most effective way of helping a weaker school is to set up a Federation and not a merger. Given that the Soft Federation with Tomlinscote is already showing good results, this 'experiment' to create the biggest school in the UK should be rejected.

    I hope the Tomlinscote Governors see the folly of this proposal and say no to it.

  4. What PJ is proposing is not a variant but a deviation.
