C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Consultation = No Buses - Travel may be worst for Kings KS4's

I blogged earlier that the buses promise would be a sham - the consultation document proves me right.

I've been looking at the offer by SurreyCC to provide buses for people living further away from school than 2 miles rather than the more usual 3 mile limit.  If you live between Kings and the outer ring of blue dots you will not get travel - you are on your own.

Out of Tomlinscotes current "Admission Priority Area" the change really only affects Heatherside (and if you are from Heatherside don't stop reading here get to the bottom for the exemptions).  For a large part of the APA the difference between 2 and 3 miles is made up of the golf course and woods (where nobody lives).

Journeys of 2 miles to Kings          Journeys of 3 miles to Kings

Given that buses to Grove from Deepcut will be axed (see here) I'm not sure the promise of buses is worth much.

Lets read the text carefully (even though it is fairly blatant).

Note what the bus travel includes.

ONLY children currently in years 6 and 7 while attending Kings site.
ONLY Tomlinscote children.
ONLY above 2 miles (only Heatherside)

My guess is that this generous promise only affects about 60 children and only lasts 2 years.

Some of the worst affected families will be KS4 children from Kings who will now find themselves spending 40 minutes per day walking to the Tomlinscote site and 40 minutes home.  No buses on offer for them - wouldn't 1 hour 20 mins per day be better spent studying.

The map to the left shows journeys that would NOT qualify for free travel to Tomlinscote on the 3 mile rule that would be applied to KS4 students.

It pretty much says that NOBODY in catchment area will get bus travel.

This is what a 2 mile radius looks like on the map - few people qualify!  Even fewer when you realise its only current year 6 and 7's who will be offered.


  1. Thank you for highlighting the "currently" in currently in years 6 or 7. I had missed that key word when I read the proposals initially.

  2. So let me get this right - travel is a problem so they will provide a bus for 2 years worth of intake for two years to one site - this is only going to help a VERY small number of people.
    Talk about a smokescreen do they think we is stoopid.

  3. I actually find their comment that parents who choose Tomlinscote in the future knowing it is a split site "will be much more accepting of this arrangement" quite insulting. Are they suggesting we are being unreasonable?

  4. Our choice of school is being eroded even more!!
