C.A.M. parents Teachers Residents
Keep Kings

Sunday, 29 May 2011

(acting) Head of Schools and Learning

On a more lighthearted note someone sent me this letter they wanted to send... its a shame that the didn't actually send it as it would have been fun... but they agreed to have it published here!

Dear Sir,

I believe that you have a vacancy for the position of Head of Schools and Learning.

I would like to be considered for this position.

I understand that the vacancy is currently being carried out on an "acting" basis.  In my experience of the current post holder, I consider that there are several very important qualities missing, which need to be considered before permenantly filling this role.

I believe that I would be more suited for this role than the candidate currently "acting" in this role because:
  • I am prepared to research and become knowledgeable on the working elements of an organisation for which I would propose a change.
  • I would look at alternatives for any proposal and be able to explain why one would be preferrable on terms of educational provision, cost (including set up/implementation costs), quality of life for stakeholders etc.
  • I would ensure that I prepared an informative and detailed presentation/consultation - ensuring that alternative proposals were also compared and considered.
  • I would show consistency of message across county.
  • I would show empathy to the audience.
  • I would show the audience respect.
  • I would ensure that all stakeholders were adequately aware of any potential change and how it may affect them and their current or future quality of life, eduction etc.
  • I would take 100% responsibility for the information included in a presentation or consultation as I would not allow it to be published until I was sure of it's accuracy, message and validity.
  • I would listen to or read every single comment or reply that was made in concern of any proposal for which I was responsible, I would take every single one as a valid and worthwhile point.  
  • I would make deliverable committments to stakeholders.
  • I would keep my word in relation to committments made.
  • I would retain integrity and respect at all times.
I always work on on the basis of "if a job is worth doing it is worth doing well".  I also consider that very important decisions need to be fully researched in terms of Cost/Benefit both financially and educationally.  The impact on quality of life for all stakeholders should also be fully considered and built into any final decision made.

I think you will understand that Surrey CC is seriously lacking with regards to the Acting Post Holder and that when a permanent officer is appointed there should be effort exercised to ensure that the role is filled effectively for the sake of children's education.

I consider that Educationally the current post holder would possess higher levels of education and qualification than I do, but I truly believe that with regards to the experience I have had of the way in which they work, I would do a much better job even though I have no educational background whatsoever.  Sometimes a little common sense, empathy and realism need to be combined with "statistics" and "projections", to ensure that the right decisions are made for everyone involved.

With Regards,

Potential Applicant


  1. I love the tongue in cheek style of this post! It put a smile in my face today. I think we should ask SCC to review whether this consultation has been conducted with appropriate professionalism.

    When the figures behind this proposal have been questioned, have they responded to those questions appropriately?

    When the document was written was it reviewed to ensure that it wasn't biased towards a single conclusion and when public meetings were held did SCC show some humility and accept that the parents and community also had the childrens interest at heart.

    SCC need to accept that the path they are proposing is very risky. The isn't a single other school in this country with a PAN of 420 and operating on split sites. So this is really an experiment they are taking on our children.Even PJ admitted that in a few years when the population goes up by 20% and Deepcut comes online, the school may need to be split again.....

  2. I'm between jobs at the moment. Would the writer mind if I use the letter to apply. If the only other candidate is P-J Wilkinson, then I may not be "between jobs" for long. This could have a happy ending on more than one level as I too would have some bias.

  3. Well said! Hope the above gets read by those responsible!!
